Personal Appearances

April 2, 2018

Please join me at the WCARC meeting on Thursday, April 5th for a talk about contesting: how to have fun in a radiosporting event!

Remember, contests bring out all sort of special operations including DXpeditions: groups going to islands or hard-to-reach spots. In addition, many who live in "rare" countries open their homes to visiting groups. You don't have to be a big gun at all to work some new countries. You don't have to be a "contester" at all to have fun! It's a win-win .... you get the new one and they rack up another contact. I'll go over the basics of contesting/radiosporting (same thing), give tips on how to set up your computer, additional hints on "getting through," and mention the importance of being on LOTW (Logbook of the World).

Hope to see you there, and thanks to Tom Whiteside and Steve Sparks for the opportunity.

Jim George N3BB

Member, ARRL Contest Advisory Committee

Author: "Reunion" and "Contact Sport: A Story of Champions, Airwaves, and a One-Day Race Around the Word"

Looking forward to selling both my books and also some very nice amateur radio equipment at the Belton, TX "Ham Expo" on  April 7th.


August 28, 2017

It's my honor to be asked to speak at the Motorola Austin Retiree's Club meeting on August 8th. The meeting will be at the Seniors Center. Info is here:

The subject will be "Some thoughts on the cellphone history at Motorola." Told in fact and possibly faulty memory by someone who was there for a significant part of the time.

Hope you can make it,

Jim George



I'll be both selling "Contact Sport" and "Reunion" at a sales table as well as coordinating and moderating the Central Texas DX and Contest Club's yearly program at the Summerfest in Austin.

Book sales and signings will be both August 4 (evening) and 5 (morning and afternoon) and the program will be 10 a.m. - noon on Saturday, August 5. This is the largest and most active amateur radio event in Austin, so please do come by if you can.

Thanks and hope to see many of you there.

JK (Jim) George N3BB