Another book club selection, that is, until our aging men's book club had a little schedule reset and this one became an "optional" selection. I had read it when the host's original picks were posted and am glad that I did. It's an interesting, but sort of methodical daily-journal sort of book as the protagonist…
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Book Review: An Immense World, How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us, by Ed Yong
Another of my wonderful men's book club selection, and a good one, but super-detailed about ... hmmm, the immense world and the animal senses that reveal hidden realms around us humans. Actually, that is the title, or most of it. At 355 very dense and fact-filled pages as well as another 93 pages of acknowledgements,…
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Book Review; American Prometheus – The Triumph and Tragedy of Robert Oppenheimer, by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin
American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird (Goodreads Author), Martin J. Sherwin J.K. George's review Sep 17, 2023 · Good grief... where to start? This work is a stupendous and complete biography, with 600 pages of dense text as well as 120 additional pages of notes, quotes, bibliography, index, and…
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Book Review: Memories That Linger – An Anecdotal History of Long Island Maine
A special gift, from my granddaughter and her partner. His family has a place on Long Island and treasures the island. A family friend wrote this loving memoir of the island, and lives in the same house in which he was born ninety-five years ago. He retired as a commercial lobster man in his nineties.…
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