Yes, the title has no capital letters. At 178 pages, it's a series of personal diary entries - very personal - with unique spacing and sentence forms as Ms. Zuckerman deals with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in her seventies. She is a very distinguished musician, journalist, educator, and artistic director of music festivals, and now a best-selling author as she recounts the gathering cloud of uncertainty after memory problems and a sobering diagnosis of the dreaded "big A." Some readers, including myself, are much closer to this medical subject than we would like to be.
The book is an almost daily ramble of poignant thoughts, with good and not-so-good poetry along with clever type-setting to make key points and emphasis. Heart-rending moments include her saying goodbye to her aged mother (nearly 104) as she slips away. Ms. Zuckerman is extremely well-educated and a riff regarding Debussy's flute composition, Syrinx, is delightful. All in all, a lovely comment on an accomplished and full life from one very able to tell it well.