Book Review: The Splendid and the Vile

This is one of the best books I've read in years: amazing research, emotional and personal discussions, inside observations, and related history of a pivotal one-year period in Britain during World War II. At the end it was apparent that the UK probably could not have survived without a forced peace agreement with Hitler's Nazi German war machine, if the US had not massively intervened with incredible supply assistance. With only a one-front war against Russia, as well as Japan as an anchor-partner in crime in Asia, one can only imagine the course of the war without the US on Britain's side against Hitler's evil empire.

Numerous massive German bomber raids with fighter escorts were sent against the British. Numbers were breathtaking: 348 bombers and 617 fighters on one of the first ones. A second wave followed soon with 318 bombers and fighter coverage. The description of the British Operations Room with its huge map showing U boats and aircraft was vivid.

In the US, President Roosevelt attempted to skirt Congressional pressure to remain "neutral," although gradually increasing material support to the British. Hitler's plans to invade the British Isles (Operation Sea Lion) kept being prepared and delayed, until the Germans invaded Russia in what they thought would be a one to three month war. The Russian winter, vastness of the land, and Russian courage and manpower losses stymied the German army while the Russian army was encircled inside a ring, and finally they kept the Germans from breaking through and destroying what was left. This standoff drained the German army from both manpower and will on the Eastern Front. Coupled with this, with increasing American arms supplies along with their own breathtaking production volumes of aircraft, the British barely managed to withstand the brutal German air raids and massive bombing runs.

Any history such as this depends on real people, and Churchill stands out as a flawed but dogged leader, one who comes along only rarely. His leadership saved the British Isles during WW II, of which there is no doubt. However he could not have withstood the German pressure without the help of the US under FDR. Roosevelt's eyes and ears on the ground were based largely on a personal emissary, Harry Hopkins, who is described as a most unlikely hero and critical, trusted advisor to the American President.

Churchill's brilliance at oratory is displayed vividly, even in print form. I could not hold back my emotions, and tears at times. Churchill was the perfect "radio leader," and over the BBC as well as in person, he held the British people together.


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Enjoy life; it's the only one we will get.

J.K. (Jim) George


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