What an honor to report that my new book, "Contact Sport," received a very nice review and recommendation in Scientific American, by Clara Moskowitz. Scientific American has a circulation of nearly 500,000, and is read by a cross section of US and international readers prominent in science and engineering. Thanks to Ms. Moskowitz, senior editor for space and physics, for the notice. Here's the link:
Here's the complete review:
Contact Sport: A Story of Champions, Airwaves, and a One-Day Race around the World
by J. K. George
Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2016 (($22.95))
Huddled in nylon tents crammed with radio equipment, screens and knobs, 59 two-person teams spread across the wilderness of eastern Massachusetts raced to make radio contact with as many people as they could in 24 hours. These were the contenders of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship, the pinnacle event of the surprisingly thrilling world of competitive ham radio. Held every four years in various locations around the world, the contest challenges teams to scan the airwaves for other ham operators to connect with, either by voice or by Morse code, awarding points for each contact and extra for those in far-off locales. Writer and radio enthusiast George offers an insider's account of the frantic messages, last-minute antenna malfunctions and aggressive jockeying for coveted wave bands that defined the spirited contest.