Be sure to check out the interview with me on Ham Radio Live! This is a relatively new podcast, which started in February, 2016. I'm getting more used to these internet broadcasts and podcasts, and this will be the third interview over the phone or Skype. Ham Radio Live! is produced and hosted by Neil Rapp, who also is an outstanding high school chemistry teacher (AP classes) in the Bloomington, Indiana schools, where he appears to be at the center of a whirlwind of positive activities as well as offering ham radio as an additional option with the formation of a high-school ham radio club and a new radio club station. This new podcast is gaining traction and has an average audience of nearly one thousand listeners, or which 40 or 50 are "live."
Neil is a licensed amateur radio operator (WB9VPG) and a graduate of the University of Kentucky.
Podcast: Ham Radio Live!
Date: November 3, 2016
Time: 9 p.m. EST, 8 p.m, CST, etc.
Format: Live call-in show. Introduction, then a fifteen minute interview followed by twenty minutes of phone calls with comments or Q&A.
Phone Number: 1-812-NET-HAM-1
Skype: Ham Talk Live
Tweets: @HamTalkLive both during the show and in advance.