The capitalized word "Gods" is proper since it's in the title, but don't get too perturbed. I will use "gods" as a tip of the hat to the undefinable taste of a really good little morsel. The "!" figure in the title is a shameless come-on to entice you, dear reader. Now that you are suitably enticed, please read on.....
The combination of a probiotic yoghurt with a minimum of sugar along with a decent dab of honey squirted into the white mixture certainly makes this combination not only healthy but really, really tasty. In our case, I use something called Bulgarian Yoghurt, which surprisingly is named the "Most popular yoghurt in the world," according to that renowned pundit, the Microsoft search engine. Our version actually is made here in Austin, TX by White Mountain Yoghurt. That's a nice name for a small group over in East Austin, formerly a part of town with small shops, a minority racial population, and low-value residential homes, but now being subsumed by the yuppie/high-tech wave transforming this area. Don't ask me if the White Mountain folks are in anyway related to Bulgaria. Or Hippies. Or high-tech folks.
It you haven't tried this combination, give it a go. You will be happy you did!