Nice Smartphone App for Notes/Lists

Like many of you, I'm not a "power user" of my reasonably current smart phone, in my case a Motorola Droid RAZR. However, gradually I'm adding apps that are needed and useful. Needing an easy to use and robust way of making lists of things, I tried several apps from the Android Apps Store, and settled on "ColorNote." It's free (I don't know how people do these, perhaps it's a hobby. There does not appear to be a "premium" version of this), easy to use, and robust.

For now, I have only three "lists:" my wife's meds, the books I've read over the past several months on my own, and the books I've read based on my book club. Frankly, it's frustrating to continually be asked about cool books, and then be unable to remember the book I read just a week ago. Well, perhaps there is some leniency for me, as I do read three to four books a month, but now they all are there. And, we have Diana's med listing for her various appointments.

"ColorNote" is based on a group of fairly common colors, and for each color selected, one can have any number of different names of lists. All my little group are under Yellow, since that one was the first one I selected. Its easy to edit any list by tapping twice on it, and when I exit the list, a little "saved" window opens while the info is being saved. That's all there is to it.

I'm reasonably sure this app is available as well for the iPhone. Good luck with this, and hopefully it will be useful to someone.


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James Kennedy George, Jr (Jim George)
Author, Reunion, a novel about relationships.

Available in  Hard Cover, Soft Cover, and all eBook formats on the Internet from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and all other Internet retailers, as well as on-order in print format from any book store. In stock at several book stores, including Book People in Austin, Texas, Tamarack on the West Virginia Turnpike, and Hearthside Books in Bluefield, West Virginia.

A number of book clubs in Central Texas have read Reunion, and/or have selected the novel for the first half of 2013. The author will be glad to attend your book club for discussions and to answer questions regarding the book as well as the publishing process. Contact him at <> for additional information and scheduling.

Thanks to your support, sales of Reunion have increased and the novel has ranked for several months in the top 100 of the Kindle Store sales of Amazon’s “Parent and Adult Child” category.

3 Responses

  1. Jim - I've been meaning to reply to your blogs before this, but had so much going on with Len and my move to London. Now we are here, we are settling in and this blog about a list App is just SO helpful to me at this moment. Though I always preferred handwriting my lists, it got so a I had "lists" all over -- b/c of course the Iphone was always with me and thus so convenient. But didn't really like the organization of its "notes". So am definitely going to try this one out and thanks for the tip. Will pass it along to others, along with your blog. Pleas say hi to Diana from both of us, and please, if you are ever in London....would love to see you two! June
    • Wow. Thanks so much, June, for your wonderful note. You will find the list-ing App a little treasure. I'm sure the i-Store has that same one. For me, it's just the trick. In fact, we read so many books in our book club (one fiction and one non-fiction each month, except for an August break) that I'm going to list our book-club books by year. On another front, give "Lennie" a hug for Diana and me. You two are one of our favs from the B-Burg scene. Not sure how you survived the conservatism of SW Virginia, but you did, and you two are cool. We actually have friends who have the luxury of owning a nice place in Kensington, two blocks from Harrods, and we have a standing room invitation to come over and use their place. They live in Arizona and Michigan as well, so it's a nice offer and the place is vacant a lot. We hope to make it over for the Wimbledon weeks some year. Anyhow, all the best to both of you.
  2. From TB via email, Hi Jim, Just a quick note, the iOS version of Colornote is very low-rated, is nothing like the Droid version, and it even costs $2.99. **************************************************************************** Thanks for the (disappointing) info, TB. I'm sorry to hear about this, and w/out checking assumed that the renowned Apple iStore would have the app and it would be free and at least as good. My error. But I can tell you the Android version is a winner.

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