
Hello I’m from Austin, Texas. This is a major experiment for me, as I’ve never blogged before. That’s not to say I don’t keep up a number of conversations via email. I do, but exchanging interactive comments on all fronts, regarding my new book, Reunion, as well as the general subject of writing, will be both fun and new for me.


To start, let me post an excerpt from the introduction/acknowledgments page in the book regarding why I wrote the book.


For many years this story has been in my head. It has proved difficult to present itself in a fashion suitable to be told. In the words of today, I am told I am the adult son of an alcoholic … told that there are effects and impacts. The meaning of that was unclear to me until I attempted to write this book.


The book has a serious theme, the relationship (actually the lack of same) between the narrator protagonist and his father. That haunted the son far past the passing of his parents. Telling the story was an attempt to come to terms with these forces.


But while the primary theme of relationships, the father-son, as well as between several important peers, is important, the book also offers an engagingly-told fun romp though the coming-of-age years of a special high school class, a class recaptured through memories, both those that are  generally historically accurate, as well as many fictional creations. This class has remained especially close, through every five years reunions, a major class blog, and other means.


One of the reviews posted on Amazon’s web site states in part:

Not a single story, but many, artfully woven into a beautiful and compelling portrait of struggle and triumph with friends, family and an alcoholic father. A story of relationships and the need to forgive if we are to move on in our own lives.


I think this describes the story well. Let me stop here with the initial attempt to begin a conversation. I hope this will develop into something worthwhile.


Jim George

Austin, Texas

4 Responses

  1. Peggy
    I particularly like the beginning chapter of "Reunion"
  2. Peggy
    Since Blogging is new to me, I am experimenting to make sure I have got the right idea. Will go back to re-reading "Reunion" and going through the car chase again. That was one of my favorite parts of the book and it has so much more meaning when I read about it the second time.
  3. bill piper
    JK, got your book on Wednesday and finished it Friday. After spending 30 years in the deep south, I move my lips a bit slower than I used to. Fascinating! Once again, I ambled across the dance floor a the Memorial Building, suffered through another humiliating game with the "Beavers" (not my favorite part) and smiled at the fact that Troupo never got me (due, undoubtedly, to the fact that we never had a car). Currently circulating the book around my friends in South Georgia (integration here was 10 years later). Best wishes ot Diana
  4. Peggy
    This is my first blogging experience to any extent. The internet has brought many of us together. Jim and I first met on Morse Code on ham radio between Houston and Austin a number of years ago. My husband has been a "ham" since his boyhood, and myself for about 40 years. Later we sat down with Jim for a real radio "eyeball" in Lafayette, La. for the first time. Don't know how we realized it, but we found out we had been born and raised just across a mountain between Virginia and West Virginia. Did not know about Jim's book until recently, but he did a great job writing "Reunion" and I loved every minute of it. It has a little of everything; stories of times back in the 50's and 60's in the deep south, situations with "black's and negro talk," mountains to travel across, southern talk and accents, music, hot dogs with slaw, descriptions of the great mountain scenery. Jim, you have done a fantastic job of bringing life from that era until now. You present a really good down to earth discription, especially with your association with your father. You will succed in any writing you do.

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