Tag Archives: Amateur radio

Oh the Feedback and Comments to My Blogs!

Over the years, I've tried to make comments on various things of interest to me (and hopefully others). These blogs now cover the period from April, 2012 to the present. As of today, having just posted the blog, "Global Warming, an Update," these total 123 blogs over nearly eight years. I do hope to keep…
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Radio, a Brief History

Radio broadcasting, which is old-hat now, taken for granted as something most teens listen to on the Internet, or are forced to when their parent is driving, once was amazingly new, the cat’s meow for sure. The basic idea that electromagnetic waves could be transmitted, and with some form of intelligence embedded within, was first…
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Surprises in The League of Women Voters Guide

I picked up a copy of the League of Women Voters' Guide in a local store yesterday. My wife and I had voted early, however I've always found the L.W.V. Guide a valuable compendium of information about all the candidates. This particular version covered only the state-wide candidates and detailed information about two counties: Travis…
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Games We Like to Play

Most of us have some sort of games we enjoy, whether it's running races, playing bridge or checkers, solving crossword puzzles, charades, following Jeopardy on TV daily, or whatever. Consider this one ... see if you think you'd like the competition. The contestants compete to achieve the highest number of what I'll call "brief occupations"…
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