Tag Archives: book readings

A Shameful Power Grab Attempt

This will be a short comment, although one that is consuming me in an angry way. It concerns the hypocrisy, and there is no other word, of Senator Mitch McConnell. The Speaker of the Senate Republican majority is very cagey, no doubt about that. He controls a Senate majority of fifty three Republicans, along with…
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The Weekend Wall Street Journal

I may have written on this subject previously, but just have to update what a wonderful publication the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal is! I subscribe to the newspaper, and over the years have found that the “news” portion and the “op-ed” or opinion sections look as if, and I think it is…
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US Leadership — Four Key Areas

US Leadership – Four Key Areas A recent interview on NBC’s Today show with Jamie Dimon was impressive. Mr. Dimon is recovering from emergency heart surgery in early March of this year. He is the CEO of JP Morgan Chase banking system, and certainly has the background in financial leadership. Jamie Dimon CEO JP Morgan…
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Senator Joseph McCarthy – Reflections to Today?

A recent copy of The New Yorker included an interesting article. Frankly, at first glance it didn’t seem that compelling: titled “Sloppy Joe” it featured a photo of Joseph McCarthy at some congressional hearing back in the 1950s. McCarthy was a senator from Wisconsin. He started in politics as a Democrat and switched parties to…
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