Tag Archives: book stores

Some Thoughts on America

Some Thoughts on America I am probably only one of millions of citizens who are baffled by and concerned by the events now in this country.  This is not a “Blue” or “Red” comment or is not meant to be. It is my heart-felt worry about what I consider to be extreme positions. Here are…
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US Leadership — Four Key Areas

US Leadership – Four Key Areas A recent interview on NBC’s Today show with Jamie Dimon was impressive. Mr. Dimon is recovering from emergency heart surgery in early March of this year. He is the CEO of JP Morgan Chase banking system, and certainly has the background in financial leadership. Jamie Dimon CEO JP Morgan…
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Some Thoughts Watching the President’s COVID-19 Press Conferences

Like many, if not most Americans I suppose, my wife and I watch the daily press conference regarding the status of the nation’s battle with Coronavirus. This process began with President Trump appointing the Vice President to lead the committee, and then with Mr. Pence heading up a good group of experts daily. Quickly it…
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Responsible Capitalism

Like many of you, my wife and I saved for retirement. In addition, I was fortunate to have retired from a company that had a pension plan. Today, those are more and more rare, with a "matched IRA" perhaps. So I'm thankful; nearly forty years of hard work were not in vain. However I feel…
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