Tag Archives: books

Some Thoughts About Impeachment

Some Thoughts about Impeachment Peggy Noonan’s column in the Weekend Wall Street Journal of January 18-19 is one of the very best summaries of the Impeachment of Donald Trump I’ve seen. Her take, in few words is this: The president knew everything about efforts to lean on Ukraine. This was clear in previous testimony all…
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Thoughts in the very New Year of 2020

January 2020   After nearly forty years in the semiconductor industry, I retired at age sixty in 2002. Those were fascinating, halcyon years in this amazing business, and my career transitioned from early hands-on technical and middle management, then to business and senior management, and finally to strategy and business relationships (Joint Ventures, IP Licensing,…
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New Find of Pre-Human Ancestor

A pre-human face from 3.8 million years ago has been discovered. Scientists found the fossils in a rocky bed in Ethiopia, and were able to date the find from minerals in the nearly layers of volcanic rocks. While these developments always are newsworthy, this one is unique in that the facial features were determined. Fossilized…
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Responsible Capitalism

Like many of you, my wife and I saved for retirement. In addition, I was fortunate to have retired from a company that had a pension plan. Today, those are more and more rare, with a "matched IRA" perhaps. So I'm thankful; nearly forty years of hard work were not in vain. However I feel…
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