Tag Archives: Climate change

Global Warming, An Update

Numerous major publications have highlighted the global problems with increasing temperatures. Recently, complete issues of major magazines including National  Geographic August 2019, have featured the worldwide problems, include human misery and resulting mass-migrations which result from rising sea levels, crop failures in densely populated countries, civil wars, and nationalistic fervor. The very next month’s National…
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New Find of Pre-Human Ancestor

A pre-human face from 3.8 million years ago has been discovered. Scientists found the fossils in a rocky bed in Ethiopia, and were able to date the find from minerals in the nearly layers of volcanic rocks. While these developments always are newsworthy, this one is unique in that the facial features were determined. Fossilized…
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Climate Change Part 2: The Science Behind the Data

Part two of a three-part series. Five periods of mass extinction have been identified on our planet. Two were the result of asteroid collisions, with the more "recent" the massive impact zone centered on what is now the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico sixty-six million years ago. The other three were caused by temperature changes, all…
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