Tag Archives: @contact sport

Thoughts on the Funnypages: Newspaper Comic Strips

Who doesn’t read ‘em? There are 34 daily "funnies" - the archaic term I grew up with - comic strips in the Austin American Statesman. Newspapers are struggling and have cut back on news coverage, while losing the number of advertising pages. Of course, these have to be related. Yet the comic strip coverage seems…
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Early Morning with The New Yorker

As a morning person, the night time for me is not the right time, at least as far as creative writing is concerned. I subscribe to two national magazines, The New Yorker and National Geographic. Both are incredibly interesting, and well worth the time. However valuable The New Yorker is, I really would prefer that…
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Some Thoughts on America

Some Thoughts on America I am probably only one of millions of citizens who are baffled by and concerned by the events now in this country.  This is not a “Blue” or “Red” comment or is not meant to be. It is my heart-felt worry about what I consider to be extreme positions. Here are…
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A Shameful Power Grab Attempt

This will be a short comment, although one that is consuming me in an angry way. It concerns the hypocrisy, and there is no other word, of Senator Mitch McConnell. The Speaker of the Senate Republican majority is very cagey, no doubt about that. He controls a Senate majority of fifty three Republicans, along with…
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