Tag Archives: Ham Radio Contesting

Games We Like to Play

Most of us have some sort of games we enjoy, whether it's running races, playing bridge or checkers, solving crossword puzzles, charades, following Jeopardy on TV daily, or whatever. Consider this one ... see if you think you'd like the competition. The contestants compete to achieve the highest number of what I'll call "brief occupations"…
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A Personal Positive Experience

I try to post something of interest in blogs, and based on the past several years, usually it's scientific or informational. I've tried to stay away from all things Trump although that's increasingly hard. Since Sunday mornings, especially, are introspectional for me, with classical music on KMFA FM, here goes something different. Two things really…
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A Dog Story

  My wife and I have been thinking about getting her a companion dog (and for me also) since we have seen the cute little Bichon Frises while visiting our daughter in Pennsylvania. She had a Bichon for years, and her daughter has one now. We like the non-allergenic and non-shedding characteristics, and also that these…
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My Appalachian Trail Adventure – Part 2

Thanks for reading this. I've received many nice comments and heard from people who say they couldn't wait for Part 2. Here it is! Part 1 ended with my wife, Diana, and I "conquering" one night at Enchanted Rock State Park. We survived an "invasion" by Boy Scouts from near Houston, and lugged our packs…
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