There are mileposts in our lives: first kiss, high school prom, college perhaps, marriage, divorce perhaps, job gains and losses, home purchases perhaps, the birth of children and their growth, and other key memories as the "growth phase" progresses. At some point, the imaginary graph of a our human existence leaves its "blur" phase of…
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The Rise and Fall of Motorola
Motorola, RIP. I'm not a professional historian. Heck, I haven't recently stayed at a Holiday Inn Express so I can't claim any expertise in the field. (That line refers to the cool advertisements where someone mentions staying .... oh, you probably have seen that.) However I can say with some credibility that "I was there."…
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What the heck is a MOOC?
Funny, isn't it how new words enter the language. I was introduced to the term MOOC, which means "Massive Open On-Line Course" in the sense of instructional courses that are offered (usually free) to anyone who registers, only the first of November, and now it's being profiled on NPR shows and written about in the Sunday…
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