Tag Archives: Motorola

Thoughts at Seventy-Seven

Life was very much fun as a child in what we now call Appalachia, the only part of the country I ever knew. Then time just zoomed by so quickly during my teens. I was not an athlete, was not musically adept, so with no traditional area of standing out, I focused on being reasonably…
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Looking back at the Cell Phone

Motorola was a great engineering company. They made the best radios. They invented the cell phone, which might have been the end of them. The firm started to run into un-chartered waters when the cell phone, the seemingly innocent little two-way radiophone that came out of the famous Walkie-Talkies and ham radio two-way sets in…
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Is This the Beginning of the End for Ford and GM? Part 1.

Headlines in the Wall Street Journal's Business Section on May 22 featured the latest management shake up at Ford Motor Company. In some sense, this was surprising since the company has been racking up record profits on strong sales especially of trucks and SUVs. General Motors also has been raking in the dough; the pressure…
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The Rise and Fall of Motorola

Motorola, RIP. I'm not a professional historian. Heck, I haven't recently stayed at a Holiday Inn Express so I can't claim any expertise in the field. (That line refers to the cool advertisements where someone mentions staying .... oh, you probably have seen that.) However I can say with some credibility that "I was there."…
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