Tag Archives: Recommended Novels

A Very Special Little Car

Around 1995, a good family friend told me that she had met an unusual person. He was a frequent customer, along with his wife, at the trendy restaurant she and her husband owned. This fellow was well known since he had been the attorney for the famous/notorious financier Marc Rich, the same Mr. Rich who…
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Book Clubs. What a Nice Thing!

I've been meaning to comment about how much fun it is to be in a book club now for several months. Of course the term itself is really broad, including national umbrella organizations such as the Oprah Book Club, local library book clubs, church book clubs, and individual groups of people who meet in members'…
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Hillary Clinton – My Thoughts

Don't panic. Most of my blogs are about other things, but I did offer comments on Trump, and said that a future blog on Clinton would be coming after the DNC convention. Incidentally, those Trump comments generally were well received, even with his supporters, and generated a lot of feedback. I'll try address Hillary Clinton…
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My 2013 In Books

As many of you know, I'm an avid reader, made much more so by belonging to a fantastic book club here in Austin. If there is one thing that has made my life more interesting, after family, career, and hobbies, it has been the John Rogers Book Club, formed by and named for a peripatetic…
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