Thanks for reading this. Each person's time is valuable, and if you are so gracious to allot a small amount to me, it's much appreciated and valued. OK, I've said it. Hey, at the age of seventy-five, following a passion for writing, it's all a struggle. The mind is not as fresh, and all those…
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Is This the Beginning of the End for Ford and GM? Part 1.
Headlines in the Wall Street Journal's Business Section on May 22 featured the latest management shake up at Ford Motor Company. In some sense, this was surprising since the company has been racking up record profits on strong sales especially of trucks and SUVs. General Motors also has been raking in the dough; the pressure…
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My Books of 2016
Money: The Unauthorized Biography, by Felix Martin This is a great, albeit a bit wonky book. His final argument, is that money is not a fixed amount, like an ounce of gold of a gram of silver, but a means of measuring and transferring a concept of value from one person to another. Moon Tiger,…
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New Video Interview Posted: “Ham Radio Now”
Gary Pearce has a terrific new series of video interviews on his site, "Ham Radio Now:" He literally stumbled on my sales table at the massive Dayton, OH ham radio convention (HamVention) last May (2016), and we ended up with a most-enjoyable and free-wheeling discussion of my new book, "Contact Sport." He uploaded the…
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