Tag Archives: Trump


The Saturday-Sunday weekend issue of the Wall Street Journal is my favorite newspaper. I don't always agree with the political bent, but respect the news-gathering quality and writing. In the recent Weekend Edition of the Journal (March 9-10), Gerald Baker, an Editor at Large, wrote a piece with the heading "Will the Issue of Character…
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Thoughts at Seventy-Five

There are mileposts in our lives: first kiss, high school prom, college perhaps, marriage, divorce perhaps, job gains and losses, home purchases perhaps, the birth of children and their growth, and other key memories as the "growth phase" progresses. At some point, the imaginary graph of a our human existence leaves its "blur" phase of…
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Trump-My Thoughts

You can stop now if you want to. No problem. However we are witnessing one of the most, if not the most, unusual candidacies of my lifetime. I watched most of the Trump acceptance speech at the RNC Convention, and found it fascinating. It was a little long, and one could see it in the…
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