Tag Archives: World Radiosport Team Championships

Confessions of a Late-In-Life Writer

Thanks for reading this. Each person's time is valuable, and if you are so gracious to allot a small amount to me, it's much appreciated and valued. OK, I've said it. Hey, at the age of seventy-five, following a passion for writing, it's all a struggle. The mind is not as fresh, and all those…
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A Personal Positive Experience

I try to post something of interest in blogs, and based on the past several years, usually it's scientific or informational. I've tried to stay away from all things Trump although that's increasingly hard. Since Sunday mornings, especially, are introspectional for me, with classical music on KMFA FM, here goes something different. Two things really…
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A Wonderful Book Review

As a writer, even a small-time one, every now and then such a surprising and encouraging "gift" flies in over email or the Internet that is lightens up my day. Here is an example; a review on Amazon.com for my book, Contact Sport. The writer is unknown to me personally, but we have corresponded via…
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New Video Interview Posted: “Ham Radio Now”

Gary Pearce has a terrific new series of video interviews on his site, "Ham Radio Now:" https://www.hamradionow.tv/ He literally stumbled on my sales table at the massive Dayton, OH ham radio convention (HamVention) last May (2016), and we ended up with a most-enjoyable and free-wheeling discussion of my new book, "Contact Sport." He uploaded the…
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