As a long-time amateur and frequent competitor, I was excited to learn of Jim George's efforts to describe and chronicle the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship. I was not disappointed! The author has captured very well the essence of what makes amateur radio operators compete and of what the competition is. The very fact of radiosport may seem counterintuitive but as the reader is introduced to the competitors and how the game is played, the attraction of radiosport, and indeed of amateur radio generally, will be obvious. That there is another invisible world all around us and in which the game of radiosport is played will be fascinating to all readers, regardless of how much they do or don't know about "ham radio." The personalities of the book's characters spring to life as we meet and follow several teams and volunteers through qualification, preparation, action, and the inevitable umpiring. "Contact Sport" is an opening to a international community of competitors, previously invisible, shining a light on the very human side of a long-enjoyed and still vital technology that is employed and enjoyed around the world. Come listen to the world turning!

H. Ward Silver, An active author of fifteen fiction and non-fiction (technical) books and a writer for QST, the publication of the American Radio Relay League.