The United States is unique among the major nations of the world in the ham-handed way we are handling the Corona Virus pandemic. The illustration below makes this undeniable.

This chart shows the seven-day rolling average of newly confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and the European Union.
Without going into the well-known history of how the President has stated the virus would “go away,” has eschewed masks and has had large gatherings of densely packed rallies, among many examples of the wrong way to set an example for the proper way to minimize transmission of the Covid 19, perhaps it is interesting to ask the question, “Why were we so poorly prepared for a dangerous virus outbreak?” Is this such a rare event that it’s understandable that no one knows about it or knows what to do?
As it turns out, people do know about it and do know what to do, up to a point. The October, 2005 issue of National Geographic magazine certainly is an example of this, with a feature story including a cover shot of a National Institute of Health (NIH) scientist, completely enclosed inside personal protective clothing and face shield, at work on avian flu vaccine at the time. The lead article, running from page 2 through page 31 (half are vivid photos) is titled “Tracking The Next Killer Flu” and makes it clear that “sooner or later a deadly virus that can jump from birds to people will sweep the globe.” That particular virus was called H5N1 for the two proteins that stud its surface like spikes on a mace. The unique molecular structure has become known as a “corona,” from the Latin word for “crown,” which it resembles in an ominous way.
Dozens of flu subtypes inhabit the guts of birds worldwide. Normally these Asian viruses can not attack humans because they are not equipped to invade and grow in human cells. For an avian flu and a human flu to mix it up, they have to infect the same animal. The pig is such an animal because pig cells have surface molecules that allow entry to both kinds of viruses. A pig could conceivably catch the human flu from a farmer and the bird flu from a duck at the same farm. After what is termed a “reassert,” a hybrid is created that – in the worst case – would be able to infect human cells at the same time its bird-virus genes would make it radically new to the human immune system and unusually dangerous to humans who catch it.
In 1918 the so-called Spanish Flu (which had nothing to do with Spain and is thought to have started in Kansas) killed between 50 million and 100 million people worldwide, roaring through both civilians as well as the armies on both sides of World War I. Subsequent viral outbreaks in 1957 (Asian Flu), 1968 (Hong Kong Flu) and the 1997 outbreak have been much less virulent in terms of deaths. If a version as deadly as the 1918 flu were to occur today, extrapolated to the world’s current population, the number of people who could perish would approach a range from 7 million to somewhere around 200 million! Given that, one would think the possibility would keep world leaders on the edge of their seats. The human toll (deaths and long-term disabilities) would be paired with economic devastation almost unthinkable.
Interestingly, Dr. Anthony Fauci is quoted in the 2005 National Geographic article. He was the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He knows the history and the science. He is the very same Dr. Fauci who has been banned from the current administration’s public face now after refusing to echo the President’s positions that it’s just not that bad.
We are in a most unusual position today with a President who clearly was not knowledgeable about the history of Corona Virus pandemics in the past. Mr. Trump started with the position that “it will go away in a few days,” and made a point of exactly the wrong leadership style with no facial masks and crowded public gatherings. His political power over Republican governors and Congressional leaders has kept nearly all in line for similar public positions. Now, unfortunately the virus is rampaging in “Red States” and the economic damage to the US will affect the country for years. Not withstanding the economic impact, the work and shopping habits of Americans (and those internationally) is likely to be changed forever with more shopping by Internet and by “virtual offices” replacing traditional workspaces, at least for a portion of the week.
An article in the July 11-12 weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal included data on job losses for Americans of different ages, races, and educational levels. Those with at least a four-year college degree saw the least (6%) job loss and have recovered nearly to levels at the start of the pandemic. At the other end of educational levels, those without a high school diploma suffered a 30% loss of employment and have gained only a small portion of that back. The hospitality industry (lodging and bars as well as food service) as well as entertainment and to some extent retail, have been decimated. Racially, White persons have fared best (down 15%, back up 5%) while Blacks and Hispanics dropped 20% and have regained 5% points.
Just as the US stopped visitors from China and some other countries, ironically the European Union has blocked American visitors because this country has such large numbers of Covid-19 infections as well as a growing reputation for ineffective national leadership. It is hard to believe the United States has fallen to such international disrepute, and harder to believe that the President of the United States has removed the US from membership in the World Health Organization during the worst pandemic of our lifetime. Folks, you just can’t make this stuff up!
Be safe, stay healthy, and do not take for granted the sacrifices made to keep this country what it has been. I fear some of the pressures today to be divsive rather than unifying forces.
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Enjoy life; it's the only one we will get.
J.K. (Jim) George
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