W5KUB Internet Interview – a look back

Thanks much to Tom Medlin, the originator and technical wizard of the Tuesday night "Amateur Radio Roundtable" at 8 p.m. central time. Tom twirled the control knobs and pulled all the right levers of audio and video for the program. In addition, Katie Allen, WY7YL, interviewed me regarding the book, "Contact Sport." In addition to her excellent questions (mostly soft balls) and observations, Tom himself interjected several points. You can watch the show from the "archives," by going to the W5KUB home page (www.w5kub.com) and then clicking on the "Archives" link. My interview is the one dated 7/5/2016 and for one week, will be highlighted at the lower left of the Archives page. In time, my interview will be available by finding the 7/5/2016 date and going from there.

Tom Medlin opens the show, and introduces me at about the three minute point. I'm on the show, with either Tom or Katie, until the one hour point. The program continues on into a second hour, but my portion was timed to be simulcast on international short wave station WBCQ, in  Monticello, Maine with 50,000 watts on 5130 KHz.

It's hard to watch yourself, I suppose, but all in all the questions are good and the discussion about ham radio in general and about radio-sporting or radio contesting is interesting and on point. Several "back-channel" stories about the World Radiosport Team Championship are expanded a bit from the book. I also got in some personal comments about growing up in Princeton, West Virginia, and about my debut novel, "Reunion," as well.

Thanks, Tom and Katie. It was a pleasure.

JK (Jim) George N3BB

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